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Here is what we can
offer you:

A practice that originated in China, which has been used for thousands of years to alleviate pain and to cure various ailments.

Herbal Medicines
Herbal formulas formed from medicinal plants can treat a wide range of illnesses and diseases.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a technique where glass cups are attached to the skin by negative pressure. The vacuum is generally used to pull out external influences that have invaded the body (dampness, cold, wind, heat) and are causing pain or illness.

Ear Candle
Ear candling creates a low-level vacuum that draws out ear wax and other debris within the ear and facial sinuses into the hollow candle. It also stimulates the body's natural excretion of wax, dead cells, pollen, parasites and other debris.
An ear candle is made of cotton or linen rolled into a cone and covered with a layer of wax.

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